
Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Morning After

I gained three pounds from Saturday to today!

That's right. Saturday morning I was at 258 lbs. Today, I was at 261 lbs. You might look at that and think it a set-back. But I don't. Actually, it's perfectly understandable. You see, it's all part of the plan to be able to be disciplined during the diet week and be completely free of that discipline during the one day off.
When you gain weight, a certain percentage of that mass is actually just water retention. Have you ever had to take a diuretic pill? Usually when you are first diagnosed as having hypertension, doctor's will first prescribe these pills to see if eliminating the excess water retention will alleviate some of the high blood pressure. The problem is that these pills affect different people in different ways. For me, I began experiencing accelerated heartbeat and just a general feeling of panic. They were quickly removed. But during the week that I was taking them, I slimmed down at least five pounds. I thought I had found a magic pill for weight loss! Of course, had I kept on taking them, the only thing that would have happened would probably have been that I would be retaining less water, but still gaining weight. And, sure enough, when the pill was removed I quickly found the five pounds I had lost...and then some.
So my point is that if you are trying or thinking of trying this approach, be prepared to see your weight fluctuate back and forth every week. This is not a sign of any problem other than the fact that when you eat the right foods and refrain from having late dinners and keep active, your body is functioning more efficiently and you retain way less water and waste in your guts. But when you revert to eating all that decadent stuff that we all love and crave, like fried foods and pancakes or any kind of bread and starchy foods (fast food especially), and then you wash that down with sugary drinks for that one day off, you will find that you quickly gain back at least two to three pounds over night. But if you are disciplined enough to faithfully pick up where you left off, I assure you that those two to three pounds that you regained will be the amount of pounds that you will lose beyond what you achieved.
In other words, what I am saying is that I am guaranteeing that by next Saturday morning, (April 27, 2013) I will have lost two to three pounds beyond the achieved weight for this past week, which was 258 lbs. So I will be weighing at least 255 lbs. Let's test this theory and see what happens. My offer is still open for anyone who might want to monitor in some way my methods and results.
Just FYI
In case you are curious about what I had to eat on Saturday. I took my boys to Cracker Barrel and had a pancake, two basted, sunny side up eggs, chicken fried steak, two biscuits with butter and jelly, hash brown casserole, a little plate of grits and coffee. I also had a couple of thick French fries from my little boy's plate. This was at around 11 a.m., the first meal. For a very late "lunch" or second meal of the day, I had two large flower tortilla tacos with pulled pork, white Mexican crumbling cheese (I got no idea if it has an actual reference in English), avocado slices and hot sauce. Then I had two small corn tortilla tacos of the same. For late dinner, I was at a get together/"Bar-B-Q". I had about six corn tortilla tacos with lamb chops, avocado, hot sauce and washed it down with about ten bruskies. It was a good night.
Today, I had one large flour tortilla with pulled pork and a chicken quarter leg, refried beans, a serving of whole pinto beans, avocado, hot sauce and two 24 oz. servings of diet soda for lunch. I haven't had any dinner. It's late. I'll probably just have an orange and water and call it a night.
Hasta luego.

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